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May has arrived. The days are getting warmer and longer. Summer is on already on it's way and it's time to tidy up spring plants, plant out summer flowers and start planning for autumn. All the sunshine and rain means that plant growth is increasing and flowers are beginning to bloom, bringing bursts of aesthetic colours to the garden. May is the busiest month in the garden with plenty to do. There are plenty of flowers and vegetables to plant and tend in May. They will all be listed in the following lines:
1. Clear the lawn
Grasses grow especially quickly in the month of May. Hence, it is very important for you to start mowing the lawn early on. You may now the lawn every week to keep it from looking like an abandoned patch of grass. Note that while mowing your lawn, care should be taken to only trim a bit of the grass while leaving the others behind. The goal of mowing is not to get rid of the grasses. It is to make the grasses on the lawn look presentable.
May is also the month to weed and apply feed to the soil of the lawn. As the lawn js growing so well, the grass should fill the gaps left by any weeds that are uprooted or otherwise disposed off.
2. Summer bedding
May is the perfect time to acclimatize plants which are raised indoors and are delicate to cooler outside temperatures before they can be planted outside. You can start this by bringing your plant out the greenhouse during the day and returning them in the evening. After a week, they can be left outside overnight while covered with fleeces though. After another week of doing this, they can now be planted outside.
3. Pruning Perennials
May is the best time to get going with perennials since the ground is warm and they will start growing even faster. Only plants that can stand a little frost should be planted but if your garden is generally frost-free, tender plants such as dahlias may also be planted.
4. Spring bulbs should be tidied up
At this point, spring bulbs have stopped blooming and are beginning to wither. It is highly important to clear dead foliage away and pruning dead flower heads.
5. Sow seeds outdoors
If the plan is to grow runner beans from seed, May is the best time to start planting them in the garden. While preparing the trenches, add supports that the plants will need to grow up around. It is worth including a few extra seeds around each support just in case hungry pests eat any of the seedlings. However, it is best to deal with the issue of pests decisively. As the seedlings begin to grow, prune the weakest ones to allow the healthier, stronger ones to harness all the nutrients in the soil for their growth.
These activities are some of the important gardening duties for any conscientious gardener in the month of May. It's a busy month ahead and it is better you get started already.
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